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Bee swarm plot

Make a bee swarm plot of the iris petal lengths. Your x-axis should contain each of the three species, and the y-axis the petal lengths. A data frame containing the data is in your namespace as df.

For your reference, the code Justin used to create the bee swarm plot in the video is provided below:

_ = sns.swarmplot(x='state', y='dem_share', data=df_swing)
_ = plt.xlabel('state')
_ = plt.ylabel('percent of vote for Obama')

You can use help(sns.swarmplot) for more details on how to make bee swarm plots using seaborn.

This is a part of the course

“Statistical Thinking in Python (Part 1)”

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Exercise instructions

  • Inspect the DataFrame df using df.head(). This will let you identify which column names you need to pass as the x and y keyword arguments in your call to sns.swarmplot().
  • Use sns.swarmplot() to make a bee swarm plot from the DataFrame containing the Fisher iris data set, df. The x-axis should contain each of the three species, and the y-axis should contain the petal lengths.
  • Label the axes.
  • Show your plot.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Create bee swarm plot with Seaborn's default settings

# Label the axes

# Show the plot

Edit and Run Code