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Relative error

In this exercise, you will compare relative error to absolute error. For the purposes of modeling, we will define relative error as

$$ rel = \frac{(y - pred)}{y} $$

that is, the error is relative to the true outcome. You will measure the overall relative error of a model using root mean squared relative error:

$$ rmse_{rel} = \sqrt(\overline{rel^2}) $$

where \(\overline{rel^2}\) is the mean of \(rel^2\).

The example (toy) dataset fdata has been pre-loaded. It includes the columns:

  • y: the true output to be predicted by some model; imagine it is the amount of money a customer will spend on a visit to your store.
  • pred: the predictions of a model that predicts y.
  • label: categorical: whether y comes from a population that makes small purchases, or large ones.

You want to know which model does "better": the one predicting the small purchases, or the one predicting large ones.

This is a part of the course

“Supervised Learning in R: Regression”

View Course

Exercise instructions

  • Fill in the blanks to examine the data. Notice that large purchases tend to be about 100 times larger than small ones.
  • Fill in the blanks to create error columns:
    • Define residual as y - pred.
    • Define relative error as residual / y.
  • Fill in the blanks to calculate and compare RMSE and relative RMSE.
    • How do the absolute errors compare? The relative errors?
  • Examine the plot of predictions versus outcome.
    • In your opinion, which model does "better"?

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# fdata is available

# Examine the data: generate the summaries for the groups large and small:
fdata %>% 
    group_by(label) %>%     # group by small/large purchases
    summarize(min  = ___,   # min of y
              mean = ___,   # mean of y
              max  = ___)   # max of y

# Fill in the blanks to add error columns
fdata2 <- fdata %>% 
         group_by(label) %>%       # group by label
           mutate(residual = ___,  # Residual
                  relerr   = ___)  # Relative error

# Compare the rmse and rmse.rel of the large and small groups:
fdata2 %>% 
  group_by(label) %>% 
  summarize(rmse     = ___,   # RMSE
            rmse.rel = ___)   # Root mean squared relative error
# Plot the predictions for both groups of purchases
ggplot(fdata2, aes(x = pred, y = y, color = label)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_abline() + 
  facet_wrap(~ label, ncol = 1, scales = "free") + 
  ggtitle("Outcome vs prediction")
Edit and Run Code