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Greater and less than

Apart from equality operators, Filip also introduced the less than and greater than operators: < and >. You can also add an equal sign to express less than or equal to or greater than or equal to, respectively. Have a look at the following R expressions, that all evaluate to FALSE:

(1 + 2) > 4
"dog" < "Cats"

Remember that for string comparison, R determines the greater than relationship based on alphabetical order. Also, keep in mind that TRUE is treated as 1 for arithmetic, and FALSE is treated as 0. Therefore, FALSE < TRUE is TRUE.

This is a part of the course

“Intermediate R”

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Exercise instructions

Write R expressions to check whether:

  • -6 * 5 + 2 is greater than or equal to -10 + 1.
  • "raining" is less than or equal to "raining dogs".
  • TRUE is greater than FALSE.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Comparison of numerics

# Comparison of character strings

# Comparison of logicals

This exercise is part of the course

Intermediate R

BeginnerSkill Level
123 reviews

Continue your journey to becoming an R ninja by learning about conditional statements, loops, and vector functions.

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