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Arithmetic in R (1)

Let's play around with your new calculator. First, check out these arithmetic operators, most of them should look familiar:

  • Addition: +
  • Subtraction: -
  • Multiplication: *
  • Division: /
  • Exponentiation: ^ or **
  • Modulo: %%

You might be unfamiliar with the last two. The ^ operator raises the number to its left to the power of the number to its right. For example, 3^2 is 9. The modulo returns the remainder of the division of the number to the left by the number on the right, for example 5 modulo 3 or 5 %% 3 is 2.

Lastly, there is another useful way to execute your code besides typing in the R Console or pressing Submit Answer. Clicking on a line of code in the script, and then pressing Command + Enter will execute just that line in the R Console. Try it out with the 2 + 2 line already in the script!

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“Introduction to R for Finance”

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Exercise instructions

  • Some examples for addition, subtraction, and multiplication are shown for you.
  • Type 4 / 2 in the script to perform division.
  • Type 2^4 to raise 2 to the power of 4.
  • Type 7 %% 3 to calculate 7 modulo 3.
  • Don't forget to press Submit Answer when you finish!

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Addition 
2 + 2

# Subtraction
4 - 1

# Multiplication
3 * 4

# Division

# Exponentiation

# Modulo
Edit and Run Code