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Access elements in a list

Subsetting a list is similar to subsetting a vector or data frame, with one extra useful operation.

To access the elements in the list, use [ ]. This will always return another list.


[1] "I <3 R"


[1] "I <3 R"

[1] 42 24

To pull out the data inside each element of your list, use [[ ]].


[1] "I <3 R"

If your list is named, you can use the $ operator: my_list$my_words. This is the same as using [[ ]] to return the inner data.

This is a part of the course

“Introduction to R for Finance”

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Exercise instructions

  • The portfolio named list is available for use.
  • Access the second and third elements of portfolio using [ ] and c().
  • Use $ to access the correlation data.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Second and third elements of portfolio

# Use $ to get the correlation data
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