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Excess returns and the portfolio's Sharpe ratio

You just learned how to create descriptive statistics of your portfolio returns. Now you will learn how to evaluate your portfolio's performance!

Performance evaluation involves comparing your investment choices with an alternative investment choice. Most often, the performance is compared with investing in an (almost) risk-free asset, such as the U.S. Treasury Bill. The return from a U.S. Treasury Bill is known as a risk-free rate because Treasury Bills (T-Bills) are backed by the U.S. Government.

In this exercise, you will be asked to annualize the risk-free rate by using the compound interest formula. The yearly compounded interest rate is given by \((1+y)^{12}-1\). The annual rate is used to estimate a yearly return and is very useful for forecasting.

As you might recall from the video, the Sharpe Ratio is an important metric that tells us the return-to-volatility ratio. It is calculated by taking the mean of excess returns (returns - risk-free rate), divided by the volatility of the returns.

Pre-loaded in your workspace is the object rf which contains the one-month rate of a T-Bill. The S&P 500 portfolio returns are still available as sp500_returns.

This is a part of the course

“Introduction to Portfolio Analysis in R”

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Exercise instructions

  • Calculate the annualized risk-free rate using the compound interest formula, assign it to annualized_rf.
  • Plot the time-series of annualized_rf using plot.zoo().
  • Calculate the excess monthly portfolio return, assign it to sp500_excess.
  • Print the mean excess returns and the mean returns. Compare the two.
  • Complete the code to calculate the monthly Sharpe ratio, assign it to sp500_sharpe.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Compute the annualized risk free rate
annualized_rf <- (1 + ___)^__ - ___

# Plot the annualized risk-free rate

# Compute the series of excess portfolio returns 
sp500_excess <- ___ - ___

# Compare the mean of sp500_excess and sp500_returns 

# Compute the Sharpe ratio
sp500_sharpe <- ___(sp500_excess) / ___(sp500_returns)
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