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The col_names argument

Apart from path and sheet, there are several other arguments you can specify in read_excel(). One of these arguments is called col_names.

By default it is TRUE, denoting whether the first row in the Excel sheets contains the column names. If this is not the case, you can set col_names to FALSE. In this case, R will choose column names for you. You can also choose to set col_names to a character vector with names for each column. It works exactly the same as in the readr package.

You'll be working with the urbanpop_nonames.xlsx (view) file. It contains the same data as urbanpop.xlsx (view) but has no column names in the first row of the excel sheets.

This is a part of the course

“Introduction to Importing Data in R”

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Exercise instructions

  • Import the first Excel sheet of "urbanpop_nonames.xlsx" and store the result in pop_a. Have R set the column names of the resulting data frame itself.
  • Import the first Excel sheet of urbanpop_nonames.xlsx; this time, use the cols vector that has already been prepared for you to specify the column names. Store the resulting data frame in pop_b.
  • Print out the summary of pop_a.
  • Print out the summary of pop_b. Can you spot the difference with the other summary?

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Import the first Excel sheet of urbanpop_nonames.xlsx (R gives names): pop_a
pop_a <- read_excel("____", col_names = ____)

# Import the first Excel sheet of urbanpop_nonames.xlsx (specify col_names): pop_b
cols <- c("country", paste0("year_", 1960:1966))
pop_b <- ___

# Print the summary of pop_a

# Print the summary of pop_b
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