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Reading from a path

What if your CSV file is saved in a different folder?

You'll need to define the path before using read.csv().

This is a part of the course

“Introduction to Importing Data in R”

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Exercise instructions

  • Define the path to swimming_pools.csv, which is located in the "datasets" folder of the home directory.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Define the path
path <- ___("___", "___", "___")


This exercise is part of the course

Introduction to Importing Data in R

BeginnerSkill Level
25 reviews

In this course, you will learn to read CSV, XLS, and text files in R using tools like readxl and data.table.

Chapter 1: Importing data from flat files with utils

A lot of data comes in the form of flat files: simple tabular text files. Learn how to import the common formats of flat file data with base R functions.

Exercise 1: Introduction & read.csvExercise 2: read.csvExercise 3: Reading from a path
Exercise 4: read.delim & read.tableExercise 5: read.delimExercise 6: Assigning column namesExercise 7: Column classesExercise 8: read.tableExercise 9: Final Thoughts

Chapter 2: readr & data.table

Chapter 3: Importing Excel data

Excel is a widely used data analysis tool. If you prefer to do your analyses in R, though, you'll need an understanding of how to import .csv data into R. This chapter will show you how to use readxl to do so.

Exercise 1: readxl (1)Exercise 2: List the sheets of an Excel fileExercise 3: Import an Excel sheetExercise 4: Reading a workbookExercise 5: readxl (2)Exercise 6: The col_names argumentExercise 7: The skip argument

Chapter 4: Reproducible Excel work with XLConnect

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