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Break and next

To finish your lesson on loops, let's return to the concept of break, and the related concept of next. Just like with repeat and while loops, you can break out of a for loop completely by using the break statement. Additionally, if you just want to skip the current iteration, and continue the loop, you can use the next statement. This can be useful if your loop encounters an error, but you don't want it to break everything.

for (value in sequence) {
    if(next_condition) {
    if(breaking_condition) {

You don't have to use both break and next at the same time, this simply shows the general structure of using them.

The point of using next at the beginning, before the code runs, is to check for a problem before it happens.

This is a part of the course

“Intermediate R for Finance”

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Exercise instructions

The apple vector is in your workspace.

  • Print out apple. You have some missing values!
  • Fill in the blanks in the loop to do the following:
    • Check if value is NA. If so, go to the next iteration.
    • Check if value is above 117. If so, break and sell!
    • Else print "Nothing to do here!".

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Print apple

# Loop through apple. Next if NA. Break if above 117.
for (value in apple) {
    if( {
        print("Skipping NA")
    if(value > ___) {
        print("Time to sell!")
    } else {
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