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months() and weekdays() and quarters(), oh my!

As a final lesson on dates, there are a few functions that are useful for extracting date components. One of those is months().

my_date <- as.Date("2017-01-02")

[1] "January"

Two other useful functions are weekdays() to extract the day of the week that your date falls on, and quarters() to determine which quarter of the year (Q1-Q4) that your date falls in.

This is a part of the course

“Intermediate R for Finance”

View Course

Exercise instructions

  • A vector of dates has been created for you.
  • Extract the months() from these dates.
  • Extract the quarters() from these dates.
  • Another vector, dates2 has also been created for you.
  • Use weekdays() to determine what day of the week the dates fell on, and assign them to the names of dates2 using names().
  • Print dates2.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# dates
dates <- as.Date(c("2017-01-02", "2017-05-03", "2017-08-04", "2017-10-17"))

# Extract the months

# Extract the quarters

# dates2
dates2 <- as.Date(c("2017-01-02", "2017-01-03", "2017-01-04", "2017-01-05"))

# Assign the weekdays() of dates2 as the names()

# Print dates2
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