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Apart from converting JSON to R with fromJSON(), you can also use toJSON() to convert R data to a JSON format. In its most basic use, you simply pass this function an R object to convert to a JSON. The result is an R object of the class json, which is basically a character string representing that JSON.

For this exercise, you will be working with a .csv file containing information on the amount of desalinated water that is produced around the world. As you'll see, it contains a lot of missing values. This data can be found on the URL that is specified in the sample code.

This is a part of the course

“Intermediate Importing Data in R”

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Exercise instructions

  • Use a function of the utils package to import the .csv file directly from the URL specified in url_csv. Save the resulting data frame as water.
  • Convert the data frame water to a JSON. Call the resulting object water_json.
  • Print out water_json.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# jsonlite is already loaded

# URL pointing to the .csv file
url_csv <- ""

# Import the .csv file located at url_csv

# Convert the data file according to the requirements

# Print out water_json
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