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Handle missing values

In chapter 3, you used na.locf() to fill missing values with the previous non-missing value. You can use interpolation when carrying the previous value forward isn't appropriate. In this exercise, you will explore two interpolation methods: linear and spline.

Linear interpolation calculates values that lie on a line between two known data points. This is a good choice for fairly linear data, like a series with a strong trend. Spline interpolation is more appropriate for series without a strong trend, because it calculates a non-linear approximation using multiple data points.

Use these two methods to interpolate the three missing values for the 10-year Treasury rate in the object DGS10. Then compare the results with the output of na.locf().

This is a part of the course

“Importing and Managing Financial Data in R”

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Exercise instructions

  • Complete the command to use na.approx() to fill in missing values using linear interpolation.
  • Complete the command to use na.spline() to fill in missing values using spline interpolation.
  • Merge locf, approx, and spline into one object named na_filled.
  • Complete the command to plot na_filled.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# fill NA using last observation carried forward
locf <- na.locf(DGS10)

# fill NA using linear interpolation
approx <- ___(DGS10)

# fill NA using spline interpolation
spline <- ___(DGS10)

# merge into one object

# plot combined object
___(___, col = c("black", "red", "green"))
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