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Counting numbers recursively

In this first exercise, you will start with a math function to count numbers recursively. It is the series from 1 to target and in this case your target value is 50.

This means the task is to count from 1 to 50 using a recursive query. The video showed you the pseudo-code version, and now it's your turn to write it in real code! You will have to define:

  1. The CTE with the definition of the initial and recursive query
  2. The appropriate termination condition for the recursion

This is a part of the course

“Hierarchical and Recursive Queries in SQL Server”

View Course

Exercise instructions

  • Define the CTE with the name counting_numbers.
  • Initialize number in the initial query.
  • Add 1 to number each recursion step.
  • Limit the recursion step to 50 in the recursive query.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

-- Define the CTE
___ ___ ___ ( 
  		-- Initialize number
  		___ AS number
  		-- Increment number by 1
  	FROM counting_numbers
	-- Set the termination condition
  	WHERE number < ___)

SELECT number
FROM counting_numbers;
Edit and Run Code