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Seasonal differencing for stationarity

With seasonal data, differences are often taken between observations in the same season of consecutive years, rather than in consecutive periods. For example, with quarterly data, one would take the difference between Q1 in one year and Q1 in the previous year. This is called seasonal differencing.

Sometimes you need to apply both seasonal differences and lag-1 differences to the same series, thus, calculating the differences in the differences.

In this exercise, you will use differencing and transformations simultaneously to make a time series look stationary. The data set here is h02, which contains 17 years of monthly corticosteroid drug sales in Australia. It has been loaded into your workspace.

This is a part of the course

“Forecasting in R”

View Course

Exercise instructions

  • Plot the data to observe the trend and seasonality.
  • Take the log() of the h02 data and then apply seasonal differencing by using an appropriate lag value in diff(). Assign this to difflogh02.
  • Plot the resulting logged and differenced data.
  • Because difflogh02 still looks non-stationary, take another lag-1 difference by applying diff() to itself and save this to ddifflogh02. Plot the resulting series.
  • Plot the ACF of the final ddifflogh02 series using the appropriate function.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Plot the data

# Take logs and seasonal differences of h02
difflogh02 <- diff(log(___), lag = ___)

# Plot difflogh02

# Take another difference and plot
ddifflogh02 <- ___

# Plot ACF of ddifflogh02

This exercise is part of the course

Forecasting in R

IntermediateSkill Level
14 reviews

Learn how to make predictions about the future using time series forecasting in R including ARIMA models and exponential smoothing methods.

ARIMA models provide another approach to time series forecasting. Exponential smoothing and ARIMA models are the two most widely-used approaches to time series forecasting, and provide complementary approaches to the problem. While exponential smoothing models are based on a description of the trend and seasonality in the data, ARIMA models aim to describe the autocorrelations in the data.

Exercise 1: Transformations for variance stabilizationExercise 2: Box-Cox transformations for time seriesExercise 3: Non-seasonal differencing for stationarityExercise 4: Seasonal differencing for stationarity
Exercise 5: ARIMA modelsExercise 6: Automatic ARIMA models for non-seasonal time seriesExercise 7: Forecasting with ARIMA modelsExercise 8: Comparing auto.arima() and ets() on non-seasonal dataExercise 9: Seasonal ARIMA modelsExercise 10: Automatic ARIMA models for seasonal time seriesExercise 11: Exploring auto.arima() optionsExercise 12: Comparing auto.arima() and ets() on seasonal data

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