Interpolation is how new pixel intensities are estimated when an image transformation is applied. It is implemented in SciPy using sets of spline functions.
Editing the interpolation order
when using a function such as ndi.zoom()
modifies the resulting estimate: higher orders provide more flexible estimates but take longer to compute.
For this exercise, upsample im
and investigate the effect of different interpolation orders on the resulting image.
This is a part of the course
“Biomedical Image Analysis in Python”
Exercise instructions
- Use
to upsampleim
from a shape of128, 128
to512, 512
twice. First, use an interpolationorder
of 0, then setorder
to 5. - Print the array shapes of
. - Plot close-ups of the images. Use the index range
along each axis.
Hands-on interactive exercise
Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.
# Upsample "im" by a factor of 4
up0 = ndi.zoom(____, zoom=____, order=____)
up5 = ____
# Print original and new shape
print('Original shape:', ____)
print('Upsampled shape:', ____)
# Plot close-ups of the new images
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
axes[0].imshow(up0[128:256, 128:256])