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Stack images

Image "stacks" are a useful metaphor for understanding multi-dimensional data. Each higher dimension is a stack of lower dimensional arrays.

In this exercise, we will use NumPy's stack() function to combine several 2D arrays into a 3D volume. By convention, volumetric data should be stacked along the first dimension: vol[plane, row, col].

Note: performing any operations on an ImageIO Image object will convert it to a numpy.ndarray, stripping its metadata.

This is a part of the course

“Biomedical Image Analysis in Python”

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Exercise instructions

  • Import imageio and numpy (as np).
  • Load "chest-220.dcm", "chest-221.dcm", and "chest-222.dcm".
  • Create a 3D volume using np.stack(). Set the stacking axis to 0.
  • Print the shape attribute of vol.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Import ImageIO and NumPy
import ____ as ____

# Read in each 2D image
im1 = imageio.imread('chest-220.dcm')
im2 = ____
im3 = ____

# Stack images into a volume
vol = np.stack(____)
print('Volume dimensions:', ____)
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