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Model using two inputs and one output

Now that you have your two inputs (team id 1 and team id 2) and output (score difference), you can wrap them up in a model so you can use it later for fitting to data and evaluating on new data.

Your model will look like the following diagram:

This is a part of the course

“Advanced Deep Learning with Keras”

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Exercise instructions

  • Define a model with the two teams as inputs and use the score difference as the output.
  • Compile the model with the 'adam' optimizer and 'mean_absolute_error' loss.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Imports
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Subtract
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model

# Subtraction layer from previous exercise
score_diff = Subtract()([team_1_strength, team_2_strength])

# Create the model
model = ____([____, ____], ____)

# Compile the model
____(____, ____)
Edit and Run Code

This exercise is part of the course

Advanced Deep Learning with Keras

IntermediateSkill Level
18 reviews

Learn how to develop deep learning models with Keras.

In this chapter, you will build two-input networks that use categorical embeddings to represent high-cardinality data, shared layers to specify re-usable building blocks, and merge layers to join multiple inputs to a single output. By the end of this chapter, you will have the foundational building blocks for designing neural networks with complex data flows.

Exercise 1: Category embeddingsExercise 2: Define team lookupExercise 3: Define team modelExercise 4: Shared layersExercise 5: Defining two inputsExercise 6: Lookup both inputs in the same modelExercise 7: Merge layersExercise 8: Output layer using shared layerExercise 9: Model using two inputs and one output
Exercise 10: Predict from your modelExercise 11: Fit the model to the regular season training dataExercise 12: Evaluate the model on the tournament test data

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