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Moving to parApply

To run code in parallel using the parallel package, the basic workflow has three steps.

  1. Create a cluster using makeCluster().
  2. Do some work.
  3. Stop the cluster using stopCluster().

The simplest way to make a cluster is to pass a number to makeCluster(). This creates a cluster of the default type, running the code on that many cores.

The object dd is a data frame with 10 columns and 100 rows. The following code uses apply() to calculate the column medians:

apply(dd, 2, median)

To run this in parallel, you swap apply() for parApply(). The arguments to this function are the same, except that it takes a cluster argument before the usual apply() arguments.

This is a part of the course

“Writing Efficient R Code”

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Exercise instructions

  • Use the detectCores() function to print the number of available cores to the console.
  • Create a cluster using makeCluster(); set the number of cores used equal to 2. Save the result as cl.
  • Rewrite the above apply() function as parApply(). Remember, the first argument should now be the cluster object, cl.
  • Stop the cluster using stopCluster().

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Determine the number of available cores

# Create a cluster via makeCluster
cl <- makeCluster(___)

# Parallelize this code
apply(dd, 2, median)

# Stop the cluster
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