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Improve word cloud colors

So far, you have specified only a single hexadecimal color to make your word clouds. You can easily improve the appearance of a word cloud. Instead of the #AD1DA5 in the code below, you can specify a vector of colors to make certain words stand out or to fit an existing color scheme.

          max.words = 100, 
          colors = "#AD1DA5")

To change the colors argument of the wordcloud() function, you can use a vector of named colors like c("chartreuse", "cornflowerblue", "darkorange"). The function colors() will list all 657 named colors. You can also use this PDF as a reference.

In this exercise you will use "grey80", "darkgoldenrod1", and "tomato" as colors. This is a good starting palette to highlight terms because "tomato" stands out more than "grey80". It is a best practice to start with three colors, each with increasing vibrancy. Doing so will naturally divide the term frequency into "low", "medium", and "high" for easier viewing.

This is a part of the course

“Text Mining with Bag-of-Words in R”

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Exercise instructions

  • Call thecolors() function to list all basic colors.
  • Create a wordcloud() using the predefined chardonnay_freqs with the colors "grey80", "darkgoldenrod1", and "tomato". Include the top 100 terms using max.words.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Print the list of colors

# Print the word cloud with the specified colors
___(___, ___,
Edit and Run Code