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Fitting t distribution to data

A Student t distribution is generally a much better fit to daily, weekly, and monthly returns than a normal distribution.

You can create one by using the function in the QRM package. The resulting fitted model has a parameter estimates component par.ests which can be assigned to a list tpars in order to store its values of nu, mu, and sigma for later use:

> tfit <-
> tpars <- tfit$par.ests
> tpars
          nu           mu        sigma
2.949514e+00 4.429863e-05 1.216422e-02

In this exercise, you will fit a Student t distribution to the daily log-returns of the Dow Jones index from 2008-2011 contained in djx. Then, you will plot a histogram of the data and superimpose a red line to the plot showing the fitted t density. The djx data and QRM package have been loaded for you.

This is a part of the course

“Quantitative Risk Management in R”

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Exercise instructions

  • Use to fit a Student t distribution to the data in djx and assign the results to tfit.
  • Assign the par.ests component of the fitted model to tpars and the elements of tpars to nu, mu, and sigma, respectively.
  • Fill in hist() to plot a histogram of djx.
  • Fill in dt() to compute the fitted t density at the values djx and assign to yvals. Refer to the video for this equation.
  • Fill in lines() to add a red line to the histogram of djx showing the fitted t density.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Fit a Student t distribution to djx
tfit <- ___(___)

# Define tpars, nu, mu, and sigma
tpars <- ___
nu <- ___
mu <- ___
sigma <- ___

# Plot a histogram of djx
hist(___, nclass = 20, probability = TRUE, ylim = range(0, 40))

# Compute the fitted t density at the values djx
yvals <- dt((___ - ___)/___, df = ___)/___

# Superimpose a red line to show the fitted t density
lines(___, yvals, col = "red")
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