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Creating an igraph object

Here you will learn how to create an igraph 'object' from data stored in an edgelist. The data are friendships in a group of students. You will also learn how to make a basic visualization of the network.

Each row of the friends dataframe represents an edge in the network.

This is a part of the course

“Network Analysis in R”

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Exercise instructions

  • Inspect the first few rows of the dataframe friends using the function head().
  • Create new object friends.mat from the dataframe friends using as.matrix().
  • Convert variable to an igraph object g using graph.edgelist().
  • Make a basic plot of the network using plot().

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Load igraph

# Inspect the first few rows of the dataframe 'friends'

# Convert friends dataframe to a matrix
friends.mat <- ___(friends)

# Convert friends matrix to an igraph object
g <- graph.edgelist(___, directed = FALSE)

# Make a very basic plot of the network

This exercise is part of the course

Network Analysis in R

IntermediateSkill Level
6 reviews

Learn to analyze and visualize network data with the igraph package and create interactive network plots with threejs.

In this chapter, you will be introduced to fundamental concepts in social network analysis. You will learn how to use the <code>igraph</code> R package to explore and analyze social network data as well as learning how to visualize networks.

Exercise 1: What are social networks?Exercise 2: Creating an igraph object
Exercise 3: Counting vertices and edgesExercise 4: Network attributesExercise 5: Node attributes and subsettingExercise 6: Edge attributes and subsettingExercise 7: Visualizing attributesExercise 8: Quiz on attributesExercise 9: Network visualizationExercise 10: igraph network layoutsExercise 11: Visualizing edgesExercise 12: Quiz on igraph objects

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