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Calculate the contribution of each stock to the index

You have successfully built the value-weighted index. Let's now explore how it performed over the 2010-2016 period.

Let's also determine how much each stock has contributed to the index return.

This is a part of the course

“Manipulating Time Series Data in Python”

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Exercise instructions

We have already imported pandas as pd and matplotlib.pyplot as plt for you. We have also loaded components and the index you worked with in the last exercise.

  • Divide the last index value by the first, subtract 1 and multiply by 100. Assign the result to index_return and print it.
  • Select the 'Market Capitalization' column from components.
  • Calculate the total market cap for all components and assign this to total_market_cap.
  • Divide the components' market cap by total_market_cap to calculate the component weights, assign it to weights, and print weights with the values sorted in default (ascending) order.
  • Multiply weights by the index_return to calculate the contribution by component, sort the values in ascending order, and plot the result as a horizontal bar chart.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Calculate and print the index return here
index_return = ____

# Select the market capitalization
market_cap = ____

# Calculate the total market cap
total_market_cap = ____

# Calculate the component weights, and print the result
weights = ____

# Calculate and plot the contribution by component

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