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Pissa, the expanding pizza delivery enterprise, is now taking your expertise on identifying some trends.

They want to streamline its pizza offerings by identifying underperforming pizza types. Your task is to find the pizza types that are ordered less frequently than the average for all types.

This is a part of the course

“Introduction to Snowflake”

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Exercise instructions

  • Complete the JOIN clauses to join the pizzas, and order_details tables appropriately.
  • Use the GROUP BY clause to group the results by name and category from the pizza_type table.
  • Fill in the subquery to find the AVG of total_quantity.
  • Order the results by total_quantity in ascending order.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

    SUM(od.quantity) AS total_quantity
FROM pizza_type AS pt
-- Join pizzas and order_details table
___ AS pz
    ON pt.pizza_type_id = pz.pizza_type_id
___ AS od
    ON pz.pizza_id = od.pizza_id
-- Group by name and category
HAVING SUM(od.quantity) < (
    -- Calculate AVG of total_quantity 
    SELECT ___
    FROM (
        SELECT SUM(od2.quantity) AS total_quantity
        FROM pizzas AS pz2
        JOIN order_details AS od2
            ON pz2.pizza_id = od2.pizza_id
        GROUP BY pz2.pizza_type_id
    ) AS sub
-- Order  by total_quantity in ascending order

This exercise is part of the course

Introduction to Snowflake

IntermediateSkill Level
39 reviews

This course will take you from Snowflake's foundational architecture to mastering advanced SnowSQL techniques.

In Chapter 3, you'll advance your skills in Snowflake SQL. You'll begin by exploring diverse join methods and building complex queries with subqueries and CTEs. We'll emphasize query optimization, showing you ways to enhance the speed and efficiency of your SQL tasks. At the end, we'll delve into handling semi-structured data like JSON.

Exercise 1: Joining in SnowflakeExercise 2: NATURAL JOINExercise 3: The world of JOINSExercise 4: Subquerying and Common Table ExpressionsExercise 5: Subqueries
Exercise 6: Understanding CTEExercise 7: CTEsExercise 8: Snowflake Query OptimizationExercise 9: Essentials of query optimizationExercise 10: Early filteringExercise 11: Query historyExercise 12: Handling semi-structured dataExercise 13: PARSE_JSON & OBJECT_CONSTRUCTExercise 14: Querying JSON dataExercise 15: JSONifiedExercise 16: Wrap-up

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