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Creating one-hot encoded labels

One-hot encoding is a technique that turns a single integer label into a vector of N elements, where N is the number of classes in your dataset. This vector only contains zeros and ones. In this exercise, you'll create the one-hot encoded vector of the label y provided.

You'll practice doing this manually, and then make your life easier by leveraging the help of PyTorch! Your dataset contains three classes, and the class labels range from 0 to 2 (e.g., 0, 1, 2).

NumPy is already imported as np, and torch.nn.functional as F. The torch package is also imported.

This is a part of the course

“Introduction to Deep Learning with PyTorch”

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Exercise instructions

  • Manually create a one-hot encoded vector of the ground truth label y by filling in the NumPy array provided.
  • Create a one-hot encoded vector of the ground truth label y using PyTorch.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

y = 1
num_classes = 3

# Create the one-hot encoded vector using NumPy
one_hot_numpy = np.array([____, ____, ____])

# Create the one-hot encoded vector using PyTorch
one_hot_pytorch = ____
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