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Bar plots with percentages

Let's continue exploring the responses to a survey sent out to young people. The variable "Interested in Math" is True if the person reported being interested or very interested in mathematics, and False otherwise. What percentage of young people report being interested in math, and does this vary based on gender? Let's use a bar plot to find out.

As a reminder, we'll create a bar plot using the catplot() function, providing the name of categorical variable to put on the x-axis (x=____), the name of the quantitative variable to summarize on the y-axis (y=____), the pandas DataFrame to use (data=____), and the type of categorical plot (kind="bar").

Seaborn has been imported as sns and matplotlib.pyplot has been imported as plt.

This is a part of the course

“Introduction to Data Visualization with Seaborn”

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Exercise instructions

  • Use the survey_data DataFrame and sns.catplot() to create a bar plot with "Gender" on the x-axis and "Interested in Math" on the y-axis.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# Create a bar plot of interest in math, separated by gender

# Show plot
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