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HAVING and sorting

Filtering and sorting go hand in hand and gives you greater interpretability by ordering our results.

Let's see this magic at work by writing a query showing what countries have the highest average film budgets.

This is a part of the course

“Intermediate SQL”

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Exercise instructions

  • Select the country and the average budget as average_budget, rounded to two decimal, from films.
  • Group the results by country.
  • Filter the results to countries with an average budget of more than one billion (1000000000).
  • Sort by descending order of the average_budget.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

-- Select the country and average_budget from films
-- Group by country
-- Filter to countries with an average_budget of more than one billion
-- Order by descending order of the aggregated budget

This exercise is part of the course

Intermediate SQL

BeginnerSkill Level
731 reviews

Accompanied at every step with hands-on practice queries, this course teaches you everything you need to know to analyze data using your own SQL code today!

This final chapter teaches you how to sort and group data. These skills will take your analyses to a new level by helping you uncover critical business insights and identify trends and performance. You'll get hands-on experience to determine which films performed the best and how movie durations and budgets changed over time.

Exercise 1: Sorting resultsExercise 2: Sorting textExercise 3: Sorting single fieldsExercise 4: Sorting multiple fieldsExercise 5: Grouping dataExercise 6: GROUP BY single fieldsExercise 7: GROUP BY multiple fieldsExercise 8: Answering business questionsExercise 9: Filtering grouped dataExercise 10: Filter with HAVINGExercise 11: HAVING and sorting
Exercise 12: All together nowExercise 13: Congratulations!

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