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HAVING and sorting

Filtering and sorting go hand in hand and gives you greater interpretability by ordering our results.

Let's see this magic at work by writing a query showing what countries have the highest average film budgets.

This is a part of the course

“Intermediate SQL”

View Course

Exercise instructions

  • Select the country and the average budget as average_budget, rounded to two decimal, from films.
  • Group the results by country.
  • Filter the results to countries with an average budget of more than one billion (1000000000).
  • Sort by descending order of the average_budget.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

-- Select the country and average_budget from films
-- Group by country
-- Filter to countries with an average_budget of more than one billion
-- Order by descending order of the aggregated budget
Edit and Run Code