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addPolygon() Options

So far we have used the default appearance for addPolygons(). There are several more ways to customize the polygons.

The arguments to addPolygons() we will focus on are:

  • weight: the thickness of the boundary lines in pixels
  • color: the color of the polygons
  • label: the information to appear on hover
  • highlightOptions: options to highlight a polygon on hover
addPolygons(weight = 2,
           color = "red",
           label = ~paste0("Total Income: ", dollar(income)),
           highlight = highlightOptions(weight = 10,
                                       color = "blue",
                                       bringToFront = TRUE))

The high_inc SpatialPolygonsDataFrame you created in the previous exercise has been loaded for you.

This is a part of the course

“Interactive Maps with leaflet in R”

View Course

Exercise instructions

  • Use the arguments of addPolygons() to map the high income zip codes in NC with:
    • A boundary thickness of 1 pixel,
    • Polygons that are colored with the nc_pal palette and are highlighted on hover, and
    • Labels that display the words "Mean Income:" followed by the mean income of the zip code.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

# create color palette with colorNumeric()
nc_pal <- colorNumeric("YlGn", domain = high_inc@data$mean_income)

high_inc %>%
  leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
  # set boundary thickness to 1 and color polygons
  addPolygons(___ = ___, ___ = ~nc_pal(mean_income),
              # add labels that display mean income
              label = ___("Mean Income: ", dollar(mean_income)),
              # highlight polygons on hover
              ___ = highlightOptions(weight = 5, color = "white",
              bringToFront = TRUE))
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