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Some of the street values in evanston311 include house numbers with # or / in them. In addition, some street values end in a ..

Remove the house numbers, extra punctuation, and any spaces from the beginning and end of the street values as a first attempt at cleaning up the values.

This is a part of the course

“Exploratory Data Analysis in SQL”

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Exercise instructions

  • Trim digits 0-9, #, /, ., and spaces from the beginning and end of street.
  • Select distinct original street value and the corrected street value.
  • Order the results by the original street value.

Hands-on interactive exercise

Have a go at this exercise by completing this sample code.

SELECT distinct street,
       -- Trim off unwanted characters from street
       trim(___, ___) AS cleaned_street
  FROM evanston311
 ORDER BY ___;
Edit and Run Code