In this course we introduce you to the basics of computing and analyzing data in the user-friendly and helpful R interface. This first chapter starts with the very basics of functions, objects to get us acquainted with the world of R.
We're going to get an overview, of the different types of variables that there are in R, and how to work with them.
The most basic unit to store data in R are vectors. We'll learn about creating and working with them in this chapter.
This chapter deals with getting more of an insight into the data we have, by helping us sort through it.
We will learn about the more powerful vector arithmetic functions in R, that help us solve higher-level problems.
R provides a powerful and convenient way of indexing vectors. We're going to learn some ways of doing that!
We provide a brief introduction to the dplyr package.
We engage in the basics of plot-making in R, with scatterplots, histograms and box plots.
Programming Basics